Spring: New Beginnings, New Life

It’s finally spring!…said no Mainer ever, as we had a snow storm the last two days. I think we are going on third winter now?

I know I shouldn’t let these circumstances affect my over all mood but every year I am more convinced seasonal depression is the real deal and my goodness has it been hitting hard this year. I’m contemplating chugging my daughter’s vitamin D drops at this point!

However, I am hopeful there is light at the end of this dreary, cold, snowy tunnel and soon we will shift into mud season, I mean spring*.

I have been trying to keep my mind and body busy recently to battle some of my not so great feelings and it has helped a little. I have been focusing on what spring means to me and I think for myself and many other people it represents new beginnings and new life.

This is the typically the time of year where we start to see budding trees, small growth popping up from beneath the melting snow, hear the birds start chirping again. My goal is to shift my attention to all of those things and away from how much mud is being tracked in from our dirt driveway onto freshly swept or mopped floors!

With all of the illnesses going around it gave me a jump start on spring cleaning. Since there was no other choice but to sanitize everything in our house I might as well do all of the nittygritty work in one full swing, right? Which in turn snowballed in to some deep cleaning, organizing, decluttering, and yet again realizing how ideal becoming more minimalist would be (we will save that for another post). This time I had a new epiphany.

After the umpteenth time of folding Mt. Laundry and shoving it into already over stuffed drawers, I filtered through and filled the donation box as I regularly do. Hauling the box downstairs I felt such conviction of not only of my attribution to consumerism but the waste that follows.

After the new year so many people, including myself, went through a decluttering phase thanks to some media influences. I binged watched shows, read articles, drank up every professional tip and it was great! It wasnt until after the show was over and you just see all of the boxes and bags piled up next to the door to either go to the trash or be donated that got me to think. What happens now, yes your house is clean and organized, you have decluttered your life which is so great…but that huge pile of stuff. If it’s not in good enough condition for someone to purchase, if donation facilities do not accept it, or if people just dont want to take the time to donate and decide to just dump it for someone else to take care of, into the landfills it goes.

I found this infographic while doing some research on textile waste and it was an eye opener for me.

Segwaying into my epiphany. I am absolutely guilty of throwing away a shirt with a hole or a sheet with a stain and contributing to these statistics, and as one person what difference can I make? Though it be small even so much as to reusing or upcycling a few items I otherwise would have trashed I’m still doing something. So, I am learning to sew. Random, maybe… hear me out.

When my daughter was born I was going through the nesting stage as previous posts have revealed. I was very conscious of not wanting to buy new, as cute as those baby outfits are. Her wardrobe consists mainly of handmedowns or thrifted items with a few exceptions of gifts from friends and family.

However, this little lady of mine has seriously turned me into the biggest girlygirl so I am constantly on pinterest scoping out cute baby girl outfits. I see the cutest little hat, I want so badly to purchase it… that is it. I call my mother in law and schedule a “class” so she can teach me her miraculous ways with a sewing machine. I show her the photo and she whips out a pattern like it is nothing and gives me a tutorial. Now I am a very impatient person, something I’m working on, so once I get home I’m ready to go, with nothing to work with that I like and no way I am taking all three kids to the craft store for material. My sister had gotten me some curtains for Millie’s room with a sweet floral print so I went all Giselle from Enchanted on them and had to find something to go with that so I pulled out a linen dress I had gotten in a bag of clothes from my moms coworker and an old sheet…

Short story long, once I got the basic idea how everything goes together it was actually very simple. Not only did I save money by not buying it online but it started a bit of a fire to see what else I could use as “material”. So far I’ve used pillow cases, curtains, mens shirts, all things that woud have just been boxed up and shipped off. I feel like not only does it help with the textile waste but it can bring new life to an item that would have been rendered useless and trashed.

I am hoping that once I learn a lot more I can branch out to take used/stained/torn textiles and make them new again in many different forms!

I’m excited to find all kinds of ways, in all areas of my life, to contribute less waste to world and I am sure you will hear all about it in the future! For now wish me luck honing my sewing skills and remember one person, no matter how small the act can still make a big difference!

Happy Spring and Cheers to New Beginnings!


Hello Stranger

Well it has definitely been a while to say the least. I kept putting off another post because honestly I am still trying to figure out what direction to go with this whole thing and then life got crazy, as it usually does. My family’s well being took precedence and blogging was put on the back burner. So Hello stranger as in all of you and hello stranger to myself as I figure out who I am all over again at this stage in life!

I struggle a lot with being present with my kids vs wanting to do more with my life outside of just momming. Don’t get me wrong, my children are my everything and even in the deepest struggles I am so blessed and happy to be their mom. I also want to have something that is me. It is so easy to lose yourself when you’re up to your eyeballs in laundry, dishes, and toys all over the house, all while your littles are screaming at you from every direction for a snack!

After having my third child I knew that in order to keep my sanity things had to change a little bit. I even re-read through my old posts and took my own advice! After the baby arrived there were some complications that arose. I was very sick and was in and out of the hospital for a while so the husband really stepped up and took initiative when it came to the older boys. He was so unbelievablely helpful and really gave me a deeper appreciation to have him as a partner. It also helped me to really let go of some of my control issues and trust him to handle things because I physically couldn’t do anything. Which was torture at first because I really am a control freak, but talk about humbling! Now I can leave for short periods of time with complete confidence, which has been a huge weight lifted and very good for my own mental health just to have a break now and then.

The little sick spurt we are undergoing excluded, things are starting to become routine again around here. I’m slowly adjusting to functioning with three kids in tow (not that we venture very far just yet!). We even leave the house sometimes!

This is little Millie Mae when she first arrived. The boys are obsessed with her and are usually swooning over her.

She’s about four and a half months old now and such a happy, but bossy little girl. Never thought I wanted a girl until she came into our lives. Now I couldnt imagine life without my little lady, it was definitely brought out a girly side jn my that I never knew exsisted… I’m talking pink and bows and all things i swore against ever putting on a baby regardless of gender! Of course my husband got his little girl that he dreamed of so that melts my heart.

Now I’m on a mission: Try to be the best mom I can be to these three amazing little humans, be a supportive wife, all while not losing myself completely.

Some days I know I’ll be covered in baby spitup, boogers and who knows what else, but in those moments I will try to remind myself how short this season is, they are only little for a short time.

I mean look how much can change in just four months!

Be strong mommas! These days where the kids don’t stop crying, long nights when everyone is sick and wont sleep, and constantly looking at spots all over your clothing thinking, “what the heck is that” will only last so long.

Just know it is ok to ask for help or a little mental break once in a while. Let go of the mom guilt! Our kids will be okay if we need a few hours to ourselves. We need to take care of ourself so we can be our best selves for those amazing gifts we created!

A Belated Hello

I’ll start by saying hello since this is my first official appearance.I can’t say I’m at all surprised that our blog post ratio stands at a staggering 5:1. Bravo, Cassi. BUT here I am! Like Cassi has said from the beginning, we are complete rookies but are so excited to start sharing bits of our lives to those who are interested…hi Mom.

We have talked about blogging for a long time but realized quickly how (over)complicated it can all be. What’s your niche? What skills and talents do you have that will interest people? What can you bring to the table that others can’t? How will you change the world one blog post at a time? This may come as a shock but…I don’t really feel that interesting. My talents are as follows:

  • I can keep my children fed, bathed and (mostly)clothed on a regular basis.
  • I make a mean cup of coffee due in part to the large quantities I’ve consumed since the ripe age of 13. Practice makes perfect.
  • My husband thinks I make the best homemade chicken tenders in all the land.
  • End List

But isn’t that just it? We see ourselves so differently than those around us do. The truth is, we all have something to offer someone. When we asked Instagram who would ever consider reading a blog by Cassi and yours truly, all but one guy named Raj from who knows where said YES! So, Raj, I’m sorry to disappoint you but we went for it anyway.

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So here we are, officially Wander & Wildthings and this is my (the one on the right) official hello! And because I haven’t found a recent picture of Cassi and I together basically since our weddings, I have left you this gem. Let’s just say not much has changed.


Where the Wildthings Sleep: Supermom Makes Superhero Hideout

I’ve always been sort of a comic book/superhero fanatic so when my boy started growing up and voicing interest in any thing superhero you can bet I was pumped and only slightly encouraging… by slightly I mean we obviously had to turn his room into a superhero hideout!

Now primary colors are no longer my thing as an adulting adult trying to be stylish but one room is acceptable right?

Dress up is a big deal in this household so when everything went on mega sale after Halloween we stocked up. I got most of his costumes for around 75 cents! The rest were either hand-me-downs or gifted.

I’m a firm believer in good from far, far from good. Let’s be honest… styles are going to change, he is going to grow out of this eventually so everything is either made from material we had previously or free items found or given to us. If it’s free it’s for me!

The cardboard cutout was found after a seasonal costume shop closed for the year, and yes, I did take it from the cardboard dumpster! No shame.

The costume rack was made from miscellaneous pieces of wood we had in our garage and glued together. The supports were scrap material and the 1″ dowel was left over from a pots and pans rack we made, I think it was a dollar on clearance from Home Depot.

Just spray painted those lovely crayola colors. Again, just left over Rustoleum spray paint I had for some other project (most likely clearance at Walmart).

The decorations in the window were made for his superhero birthday party and made their way to his room decor. The city skyline was an old box painted black and yellow foam squares glued on randomly.

My favorite part is the weapons cache. My husband came home with a ton of peg board from a building being remodeled. You can get it at Home Depot or Lowes too. He took strapping to frame the back so it sticks off the wall, need to do his so the pegs can go in. I painted the boarder with acrylic paint and secured it to studs. If anyone wants more details on building and securing the peg board just comment or contact me and I can give you better details.

I ordered the pegs on Amazon. You can get them here👇


My superguy uses this corner so often and it’s a huge hit with his friends and cousins!

Just wanted to give some inspo so I didn’t go into extreme detail with building everything but happy to answer any questions.


Battling Baby Blues

I’ve been so crazy with all things baby and keeping my Wildthings alive, happy and healthy I have been oblivious to the fact that I’ve almost circled around the sun yet again. How does each passing year seem to go by faster than the last?

Thirty was not my favorite, it was actually quite hard for me to accept but after the initial blow I think was too busy to care. The whole last year has honestly been a blur with having a baby, my husband working out of town almost every week the first half of the year, getting pregnant again after finally to feel just a tiny bit like myself, and now trying to keep up with my two wild boys with pregnancy fatigue in the final weeks while prepping for a new baby… phew, its no surprise I’ve lost track of time, and a few brain cells! I am happy to report that 30 really wasn’t too bad in hindsight, I learned a lot in the last year and I can say I’m pretty excited by how life is panning out with thirty-one on the horizon.

When I first found out I was having baby #3 it took an emotional toll, not only on me but on my entire family. I was instantly so stressed out and taking it out on those closest to me. My youngest still was not sleeping well, still nursing and was very busy. How in the world was I going to handle two little babies, and three kids under 5!? I was feeling the baby blues way before baby was even here. I was dwelling on all the things I would miss out on or wouldn’t be able to do instead of being excited about the new life we had created. Any little issue seemed like the end of the world because I was so worried about the future and what would happen. I had just lost the baby weight and was getting back into my workout routine after a long cesarean recovery. Not to mention new issues with postpartum anxiety (didn’t even know this was a thing until recently) after Titus was born.

Looking back on those first few months, it all seems so silly now. Things have such a way of working out. God’s plan for my life has always far exceeded my own, I just need to remember that in times of high stress. Let go and let God.

Now I have one in school and my youngest is 1 going on 13! They are both so independent I almost miss being so needed. I have such a great appreciation for my husband for always being so supportive though every stage and my boys adjusting to all my ups and downs.

The physical aspect at first was overwhelming. I gained a lot very quickly and differently than with my boys. I guess being a girl this time maybe has something to do with it or maybe just the fact that it is my third child, or possibly devouring all the ice cream and milkyway candy bars I can get my hands on? It is all evening out now I think… even though clothing is sooo uncomfortable, I still feel super unattractive most days, I have bags under my eyes, heartburn from even a sip of water and sleeping is already a thing of the past… I know I will be fine. I just have to be patient and I will get back to where I was eventually. My body is doing something pretty fantastic and mind blowing really, I should be proudly rocking this bump and all the extra that comes with it.

I know with the new baby there will be a whole new adjustment stage and some overwhelming moments to come. I’m sure I will post all about them when I never get to sleep again for the next year. It’s true what they say, it all happens in a blink of an eye and then they are grown. I need to remind myself to treasure these fleeting moments and let them just be little.

P.S the little lady is the size of a cantaloupe, just like this one we found growing in our garden today!

Thankfully this is a new season for us. My husband is now home during the week *happy dance* so that alone will alleviate so much stress. I’ve learned to voice when I need help and accept that I can’t do everything alone (this was very difficult for me). The boys are old enough they can be helpful and do not need as much from me. Something so simple as daddy being able to put them to bed has been a game changer for me mentally.

I know with this next baby there are a few things I would like to do to help overcome the baby blues. Third times the charm right!?

  • Trust my husband more. He is obviously one of the people I trust most in this world but as a mom we have a certain way to do things and babies can be hard to navigate. However, long gone are the days to feel guilty if I leave for short periods of time and the baby gives daddy a hard time. He can handle it!
  • This baby will take a bottle right from the get go, or at least going to try like heck. I’ve always pumped and had a huge supply but my boys would not take a bottle… so brutal and always felt like such a waste of time and milk.
  • Receiving help from family. In the past people have always offered and I’ve always declined because I didn’t want to feel like a burden. If anyone says they will snuggle baby or watch Titus you can bet I will be saying yes before they even finish their sentence.
  • Mommy’s Night Out. My friend told me she literally forced herself to go to dinner with friends pretty early after having her baby because she knew if she didn’t right away she wouldn’t ever do it. So true! I didn’t leave my first two for months. It was so hard. It is important to feel like a human again after feeling so much like a milking cow, I start to lose myself someway and it takes a while to get that back.

I’m posting this now because I know in a few months I will need to be reminded and to have it in writing will help hopefully. I would love to hear any other mommy tips to not losing your mind after a new baby!
